滋賀医科大学 ミスフォールドタンパク質関連疾患治療学講座 【共同研究講座】滋賀医大脳神経内科/大原薬品工業株式会社 | SHIGA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Department of Therapeutics for protein misfolding diseases



講座長・特任准教授 引網 亮太 

The Department of Therapeutics for protein misfolding diseases was established in October 2022 as an industry-academia joint course with OHARA Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.. Neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease share a commonality in terms of misfolded protein accumulation, suggesting the possibility of some common pathology. In this research course, we will develop therapeutic methods targeting misfolded proteins.

Associate Professor Ryota Hikiami, MD, PhD


〒520-2192 滋賀県大津市瀬田月輪町